I want to see you. Who you are on the inside. You have a rare and natural beauty that can never exist again. Your beauty is a gift. When you shine your light from within, you naturally inspire others to do the same. Show me your Inner Selfie. Capture the essence of your inner beauty
Your style is a beautiful reflection of your spirit.Your style goes beyond the surface as your powerful way of being in the world.
What you love says a lot about you
We all love beautiful things. Some things just speak to us. We don’t know why, but they just do. What if we dug a little deeper into the things that we identify with? For example, I love the floppy red hat that I’m wearing in the photo above. I love the color and the grand
The Gift I Waited 40 Years For
This week I turn the big 40. It feels surreal. I definitely feel a deep shift happening within me. A good one. I feel more accepting of who I am and where I am in my life. I feel more aware and comfortable in my own skin. That’s huge. In my 20s, I was on